Scanning Business Cards to Automatically Create Business Partner Master Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create business partner master data using the Scan Business Cards app

How to Scan Business Cards to Automatically Create Business Partner Master Data

Adele is the sales manager at OEC Computers. She’s attending a sales fair this week and will get lots of business cards from potential customers. At the sales fair, Adele can use the Scan Business Card app to create business partner master records. Using the app is more efficient and accurate than manually entering each person’s details into SAP Business One, Web client.

In this video, Adele shows you how she uses her company iPad to scan the business card for Sarah Ben from Sarah Sports Ltd.

  • For the Scan Business Card app to work automatically, follow the instructions on the Scanning Business Cards page of the Help Portal.
  • Currently, you can use iOS devices to scan business cards. If you’re using another device, you can follow the same steps outlined in the video with the option to upload a picture to the app. 

The following steps provide an outline of the task demonstrated in the Scanning Business Cards to Automatically Create Business Partner Master Data video. 


  1. Choose the Business Partners group, then choose the Scan Business Card app.

  2. To create a new business partner, for the scanning options, select Create Business Partner.

  3. In the Business Partner Type field, open the dropdown menu and select Customer, Lead, or Vendor

  4. In the Code field, enter the code to be defined for the business partner record that will be created.

  5. In the Address Type field, choose either Ship-To, Bill-To, or Both depending on which address you want to store.  

  6. To upload or take a picture of the business card, choose Scan & Add Business Partner.  

  7. To scan the business card, from the list of options, choose Take Photo or Video. Remember that this option is currently available for iOS devices. If you’re using another device, you’ll need to upload a picture of the business card. 

  8. Position the camera over the business card and take a photo.  

  9. If you’re happy with the image, choose Use Photo.

  10. To check the result, go back to the homepage and choose the Business Partners tile.

  11. Using the filter bar, find the business partner that you just created


In the list, you see the business partner master record that you created. You can choose the row to see the details that were automatically generated from the business card, such as the Bill-To address, default contact person, and connected addresses.


To add a contact person to an existing business partner master record, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Business Partners group, then choose the Scan Business Card app.
  2. In the scanning options, choose Create Contact Person for Existing Business Partner.
  3. Choose the Business Partner Type.
  4. Enter the code of the business partner that you want to add a new contact person for.

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